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Site Development Contractors

Serving Bonney Lake Washington

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Advanced Build Northwest

12621 Pacific Hwy SW | Lakewood WA 98499 | 253-566-0341

Custom Homes, Remodeling, Site Development

Commercial & Residential Construction, Remodeling, Site Preparation, SIPS, Green Builder

In Lakewood WA - also serving Olympia, Tacoma, Gig Harbor, Bonney Lake & Seatlle areas

Choosing a Site Development / Site Preparation Contractor:

When looking for a general contractor who can do site development, you may want a contractor who can do demolition, site clearing and site preparation including septic design and installation, building permit applications, land improvements, power and cable hook-up, finish grading, foundations, concrete flat work and depending on your location and needs may include plumbing and well systems. Having the experience and special equipment necessary to handle all these facets of site development is essential. Know what you want done, and make sure your contractor has the expertise to meet your needs. As always, it's a good idea to ask any general contractor for references. All contractors on this site are licensed and bonded, but should you use another contractor, be sure to verify their Washington State Contractor's License.

What Customers are Saying:

~ They hit the ground working and never slowed down. It was pretty amazing to watch. The trenches are in – the trenches were hand dug, with one of them going through hard pan. That was a lot of work! THANKS TO YOU ALL! ~ Puyallup WA

~ Your company has outdone yourselves and exceeded my expectations in every way. I would be proud to refer your services to any individual who inquires with no hesitation. Thank you for the overall customer service and amazing craftsmanship. ~ Union WA.

Quality work, fair prices, great creative ideas, and very practical approach. I’m also impressed with their knowledge of the latest technology. Puyallup WA