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Custom Homes | Remodeling | Site Development | SIPS | Advanced Build Northwest | Lakewood WA

Custom Homes - Remodeling - Site Development

• Commercial • Residential
• Green Builder • Energy / Green Services
• SIPS Construction • Consulting

From site preparation, to remodels, to a full scale new construction project, we are a one-stop building and design firm with proven experience to service all of your construction needs. We are a local business that for more than a decade has served the building and design needs of the Puget Sound Region.

Interested in building green? Discover why SIPs are an incredible framing alternative to traditional dimensional lumber. You save time and money. Easily meet the new Washington state building codes and enjoy higher energy efficiency. The benefits of SIP Construction is endless.

We know how challenging the building process can be. So we do it all, from the planning process to handing you the keys, to taking the stress out of remodeling, home building and commercial construction. It’s that simple! Customer service is critical to us. We’ll do what we say we’re going to do; and because we design, build and service all our projects, we are confident that you’ll get the best quality possible

Advanced Build Northwest

12621 Pacific Hwy SW, Lakewood, WA 98499




Contractor License #  ADVANBN906CZ
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Custom Home by Advanced Build NW

Testimonials - Reviews

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I had a very positive experience with Advanced Build Northwest. Every single person on the team that built my building was courteous and had a positive attitude. During the build, we had some of the worst November and December rain and wind I can remember and the guys showed up punctually and got the job done on schedule. Pete, the project foreman had great input prior to the build and throughout the building process including good ideas for better energy savings and long-term durability. My architect designed a challenging building using SIPS panels for all the exterior walls and roof. There were areas where multiple wall planes met at odd angles adjacent irregularly shaped windows that my architect and the SIPS engineers were unable to call out with complete accuracy. The Advanced Build team was able to modify these areas for a seamless transition to a craft standard very few other contractors could match. When the specs for a staircase that my architect called out did not meet code requirements, the Advanced Build team caught the error and resolved the issue as they were doing the build. I feel like I got great value with Advanced Build and now I have peace of mind knowing my building has been built well. They are a rarity: High quality workmanship, reasonable price and courteous enjoyable company.

Advanced Builds NW presents a professional and high quality workmanship. Your company has outdone yourselves and exceeded my expectations in every way. I would be proud to refer your services to any individual who inquires about building a home of their own with no hesitation. Thank you for the overall customer service and amazing craftsmanship. ~ Wes A., Union WA.

I love the house that Advanced Build constructed on my pristine five acre waterfront lot. It is well built and the quality of workmanship speaks for itself. Every room puts a smile on my face. ~ Rose L., LakeBay WA

I am looking forward to hiring again. Quality work, fair prices, great creative ideas, and very practical approach. I’m also impressed with their knowledge of the latest technology. ~ Sandy F. , Puyallup WA