Roofing Contractors
Serving Auburn Washington
Click on contractors name for complete details & contact information
Chase Construction NW
11316 36th St E | Edgewood WA 98372 | 253-445-8950
Roofing, Gutters
Residential, commercial, new construction contractor specializing in roofing & gutters
Serving Edgewood, Federal Way, Puyallup and Tacoma WA areas
Tony's Roofcare Inc.
316 106th Ave E | Edgewood WA 98372 | 253-841-7779
Roofing, Painting, Siding
General contractor specializiing in roofing, roof maintenance, siding, and painting
In Edgewood, WA - also serving Federal Way, Auburn, Puyallup, & Tacoma areas
Choosing a Roofing Contractor:
When looking for a competent roofer for your home or business, consider the type of roof you have or will need. There are a wide variety of roof covering products, shingle types, grades, and colors. Look for a roofing contractor with experience and training in installing the shingle, shake, metal, or other roofing you've chosen for your new construction or remodeling project. Get a detailed estimate of the work to be done and ask for references of similar completed roofing projects. All contractors on this site are licensed and bonded, but should you use another contractor, be sure to verify their Washington State Contractor's License.
Quick Tip: Preventative maintenance, cleaning, and regular inspection of your roof can not only save you money and headaches when the weather turns bad, but can make your roof last longer and even save you money on homeowner's insurance.
~ The customer service along with the price, quality of materials and workmanship hands down the best. ~ Edgewood WA
~ The roof is beautiful, already receiving many compliments from neighbors ~ Newcastle WA
~ Roofing and windows . . . Great price, great service. You cannot go wrong here. Highest recommendations. Martin ~ Seattle WA