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Duct Cleaning Contractors

Serving Centralia & Chehalis Washington

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Americool Heating and Air Conditioning

17929 Irwin St SW | Rochester WA 98579 | 877-452-0044

Heating & Cooling, Duct Cleaning

HVAC contractor - Full line of energy saving heating and cooling products and services

In Rochester WA - also serving Olympia, Tumwater, Lacey, Rochester, Centralia, Chehalis areas

Choosing a Duct Cleaning Contractor:

Air ducts and registers, grilles and diffusers, heat exchangers heating and cooling coils, motors and fans may become contaminated with particles of dust, pollen or other debris and become a source of indoor air pollution. Duct cleaning contractors offer a variety of services including duct cleaning, duct sealing, duct replacement and filter replacement. They also use different methods and types of duct cleaning equipment. Ask how equipment will be cleaned and what will be cleaned. What is the cost and what is not included? How long will it take? A good cleaning takes several hours. Not all duct cleaning contractors are equally knowledgeable and responsible. Experienced contractors usually are more thorough. Ask for references of satisfied customers. All contractors on this site are licensed and bonded, but should you use another contractor, be sure to verify their Washington State Contractor's License.

Quick Tip: Consider having your duct work sealed if you have an older home. It will increase the efficiency of your heating system and decrease access for the creepy crawlers.

What Customers are Saying:


I would recommend them to all my friends and family. ~ Olympia WA

Takes great care of us! Thanks guys!! ~ Rochester, WA

Very satisfied! Treated us well and will definitely use again. ~ Centralia WA