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Homes Inspections | Pest Inspections | Surelock Homes Inspection | Puyallup WA

Homes Inspections

also Structural Pest Inspections

Surelock Homes Inspection Company is a premier company with expertise, integrity, experience and professional training serving home owners since 1996. Each client is provided with a concise, professional report with digital photos, pest report, and a summary page, thus allowing the client to make an informed decision about the property being inspected.

By selecting Surelock Home Inspection Co you will hire a company with 45 years' experience, professional training, expertise, and the utmost integrity.

Surelock Homes Inspection Company

12702 109th Ave Ct E, Puyallup, WA 98374




Contractor License #  WSDA #774977 / WDL#1139

Structural Pest Inspection License

State Pest Inspector License

Home and Pest Inspection Certifications

Testimonials - Reviews

To submit your review, click here.

Wow! I was so impressed with the service, expertise and professionalism of Greg Madsen with Surelock Homes inspections. He was thorough, informative, and even arrived early. I have used at least 5 other inspectors over the years for different homes and Greg/Surelock performed this inspection way beyond what I have seen in the past. I highly recommend his services. In fact, I will not use another inpection company again as long as Surelock Homes is available. ~ Rose, DuPont WA

I have used Greg to inspect multiple properties. He does excellent work. ~ Jerry, Puyallup WA

As a realtor, I use Greg at Surelock Homes Inspection regularly. He is punctual, very thorough and provides excellent detailed reports. ~ Allison G., Tacoma WA

Reliable, thorough home and pest inspections. Does what he says. Very Trustworthy. ~ Brad H., Spanaway WA